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Student & Parent Orientation

In April each of the St. Louis CAPS courses held an orientation meeting with students and parents participating in the program during the 2017-18 school year.  The orientation meetings were held at the business partner locations where the various courses are located which included St. Anthony’s Medical Center for healthcare and STL Venture Works for business and engineering.  The St. Louis CAPS administration and instructors provided a brief overview of the various site visits, client projects, and projects that were completed during the 2016-17 school year.  The majority of the orientation meeting involved a panel of current CAPS students and former CAPS students currently in college talking about their experiences and answering questions.  The meeting culminated by providing the students with two summer assignments that included reading a book on professionalism and a personality inventory.  These items will be used to jump start the CAPS experience when the students participate in a kick-off day the week prior to school starting.  At the kick-off day the students will engage in professional skills, learn about their personality profile, interact with a guest speaker, and compete in a design challenge and pitch competition.